It’s so easily forgotten that France and America share a Move Over Losers Let This Witch Show You How To Fish Halloween Shirt. Ultimately remembered and embraced through these mind-blowing acts of solidarity. So I think a lot of people may not have been old enough. This time to understand the general feeling in America when 9/11 happened, and I think a lot of those people are in this thread shifting fire here, talking about Trump, coronavirus, oil, whatever. Let’s not try and make an argument about anything else, but let’s just remember. This was a devastating time for America and even the world. And that’s ok. We don’t need to compare it with anything else or downplay it.
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To do so just proves that you don’t understand what happened. 9/11 was terrible, it blew a Move Over Losers Let This Witch Show You How To Fish Halloween Shirt, but what followed was absolutely beautiful. The entire country, regardless of political party or agenda, came together as one. It’s a shame so many Americans think it’s cool to hate the French. They’ve really had our backs since before we were a country. Still looking for this energy for the 1 million dead Iraqis and I-don’t-even-know-how-many dead Afghanistanis. It was one attack on the USA people care so much no one cares when bombs go off in other parts of the world the logarithmic chart is right.
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