But of course. It’s not smoking that kills you. It’s cancer that Nice Boston Legends Est 1630 Signatures Shirt smoking causes. It’s all in how you say it for deniable plausibility. Maybe it’s time to have more than 2 political players …. in the USA? So he’s like my mom’s friend who kept smoking during chemo alright. Shouldn’t need to point out what he said 19 years ago when he’s clearly still insane. If this was a well-written story we’re experiencing, he would be a decent #2 villain, due to how infrequently he speaks. It would leave something to further develop upon. But he’s just a smart dumb corrupt guy. As a “hardcore conservative Christian” wouldn’t he want lustful pleasures such as cigarettes and alcohol banned? I see pence has been enjoying his “donations” from the tobacco industry. What a POS! This turd doesn’t fall far from Trump’s ass. Sick, a religious fanatic and a sick mind couldn’t dream up more radical religious laws he would try to force everyone if President.
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He sucked up to Trump for a reason. The weak, empty suit, lazy, wimp, and sick. No thank you! What more Nice Boston Legends Est 1630 Signatures Shirt would you expect from Trump’s political mate? The fly was attracted cause Pence has had his nose up Trump’s ass for four years. Too brainless to figure out that in the long run setting an example for right and wrong is going to attract more to the religion than litigation and enforcement of laws on citizens. He’s a sick, evil, empty suit, and a wimp. Nah I’m just with you. It’s been posted like 30 times. He’s just a science denier. As the son of a mother who I watched slowly choke to death while she begged just for another day to live because her lungs were so damaged from Disqualmative Interstitial Pneumonitis, which was caused directly from smoking, and they were so scared she couldn’t even get oxygen from the air she wheezed into her lungs.
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