I have an Official Leslie Jordan Well Shirt What Are Y’all Doin Shirt with only one break in NBA tenure (baseball) if Krause wasn’t apart of the organization for the duration imaging early 2000s Bulls with Pippen Jordan v Shaq and Kobe in possibly 3 straight finals then in 2004 the circle of life happens and the upstart Pistons knock MJ one final time as he calls it a career and never ever ever ever drafts Kwame Brown. All just a hunch and obviously taking leaps of logic but a boy could dream. The alternate reality possibilities are what I love from Simmons perspectives on players in those redrafting videos. It’s cool thinking about what a player or team could have been if you rolled the dice 20x. I think the Lakers never exist without Phil coming in. Del Harris was not going to be able to handle those egos & the spotlight of LA basketball.
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Excellent point… Kobe and Shaq may never truly get going so Pop and the Spurs dynasty maybe even more dynamic today. Kings get their shot at a chip, No Scottie Pippen Blazers, Kidd Suns, Jazz get one more shot at glory? In the Official Leslie Jordan Well Shirt What Are Y’all Doin Shirt. Or maybe Coach K takes the jump in 02’ to take Kobe and Shaq to the next level. Do the Spurs beat the Bulls in a lockout season? I doubt it. What is interesting about the Bulls is they carried on a tradition on winning swingmen started with Magic & Bird in the early 80s, fulfilled with Isiah’s Pistons but the tradition of big men always re-appeared when Michael stepped away from the game. Hakeem, Duncan, Shaq. If not for the Pistons the notion that you needed a dominant big man would have been around until D. Wade won his.
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Considering the Official Leslie Jordan Well Shirt What Are Y’all Doin Shirt the best in the league around ’98 I don’t think a 4-peat for the Bulls would’ve been certain. Outside of Rodman, they did have quality guys, but nowhere near the behemoths that are Duncan and Robinson. I’m sure MJ and Scottie would’ve found away because they are freaks of nature, but in my opinion, the ’99 Spurs would’ve probably been the biggest challenge out of all the finals opponents to a retooled MJ/Pippen-led ’99 Bulls team, especially considering they’d have to pay Scottie, Rodman and any other free agents more money to stay, forcing them to go ’18 Warriors style of grabbing cheap players in order to fill out the rest of the roster. That and before the next season, the lockout pretty much gives the team time to recuperate and be fresh to defend their 4th title as it restarts after the all-star break.
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