The Bifrost definitely protects its passengers. That being said, Hulk survived a very high fall in the OG Avengers, and in Infinity War. He did break through the Stay Home And Watch Harry Potter Coronavirus Shirt. So even with some protection he clearly landed with some force. It’s hard to tell exactly how much he was protected, but he certainly did not take the full brunt of a warp-speed to smash into Earth. Hulk has survived a large fall in the avengers. Anything about 650 meters he would be at a terminal velocity so no different than falling from orbit impact wise. This, of course, doesn’t take into account any effects he has on re-entry into the atmosphere or how long he can sustain not breathing while in space falling towards earth.
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If he starts falling from outside the atmosphere, there would be no such thing as terminal velocity. I’m not sure how long it would take the atmosphere to slow him down once he hits it though. I think what they’re saying is that outside of the atmosphere, Hulk would accelerate without resistance, and terminal velocity would be theoretically infinite. However, considering he’d enter the Stay Home And Watch Harry Potter Coronavirus Shirt. He would slow down to terminal velocity due to air resistance. Does that matter though? Jason X has no way of delivering that kind of damage to the Hulk. In fact, there is very little Jason X can do to the Hulk that can hurt him. Meanwhile, though, the Hulk can smash Jason down with hundreds of tons of debris and immobilize him. Or just literally rip his limbs off of him.
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I believe it’s fair to say he left the form due to no longer having a source of anger or an immediate threat.
Similarly, when he’s knocked out by Iron Man, it was immediately after he was no longer under the influence of Scarlet Witch’s mind hax. In the scene, he looks around with clearer eyes and sees all the people he’s endangered with his rampage. Sure, Stark delivers a Stay Home And Watch Harry Potter Coronavirus Shirt. Humans reach terminal velocity pretty quickly. I think it’s somewhere around 700 meters. So a fall of 700 meters vs a fall from orbit is the same when it comes to the impact of the landing. I think that was hulk being a dick and knowing that banner could survive anyway.
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