Nice, I’m amazed it made it that far. Furthest we ever made it was 44 with 2 players and the zombies were bugging out all over the spot. Part of their head or arm would stretch all the way to the ceiling and stay stuck there like some odd Nazi Zombie Stretch arm strong. We died when I tried to jump over a Top Mrs. Brown’s Boys That’s Nice Now feck Off Shirt, landed on its head, and couldn’t move. Good times. It’s so funny cuz while you get pissed at your friend, the zombies stop for half a second like idiots, and then all of them turn to you. Ahhh man, I’d totally forgotten about this! I had to Google a video and it all came flooding back. If off down the rabbit hole… Am I confusing this with a later game or did the upgraded crossbow revive from range? I think it was the upgraded ballistic knife that revived from range, and you may have also needed the quick revive perk.
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In the middle of a storm in 2013, I made it to round 57 on kino with my friend on Xbox Live. we were going too well, we weren’t in too much trouble but just halfway through the round, my power cut out. that’s the Top Mrs. Brown’s Boys That’s Nice Now feck Off Shirt. Solo was always the way since you can pause it I would get like 100-200+ rounds but over a weeks time lol just pausing it when I got off at the point you either quit when you hit the max rounds or gave up on training the same spot buying wall ammo and shit.I’ll take “things pre-teens claim to have done to seem cool” for $800, Alex.Lol it’s ok not to, believe me, I don’t care much it’s just not hard to get those rounds since once you start the strat you just keep going with it till you get high rounds but whatever it’s fine that you aren’t good at games. We always found it beneficial to stab during instant kills. The points at certain points mattered more for traps than killing more zombies, and we always felt like stabbing netted us the most points (because for how much we played, we never actually tried to do the math to figure it out).
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Dude I get this pain. My brother and I played Town on BO2 and we mastered that shit. Got to like 53(IIRC) and the framerate made it unplayable. Ended up dying without really knowing the specifics of how it happened. I also remember both of us running out of all of our ammo each round before even making any sort of dent in the horde. It was chaos. Buddy and I played Mob of the Top Mrs. Brown’s Boys That’s Nice Now feck Off Shirt. Brought it back just last week and finally completed the Pop goes the Weasel easter egg. Guys night has turned into Der Eisendrache and Origins attempts. I got to 76 on Ascension. I learned that after 5 hours of straight zombie-slaying action the zombies just literally glitch the game out and freeze. No more Jackson Jigs = sleep time. Guy below mentioned a good point. If you run loops around the map (I always opened up just right half of the map, left the Left side closed) you could get the zombies pretty well grouped up. Then use the traps to kill a bunch and hope for a Max Ammo power-up drop.
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