Giving them their own power level but changing their actual powers makes this feel like mostly “who is the most powerful relative to the rest if their home universe”. Yoda loses based on that, I think. He’s powerful, but not a juggernaut or anything. Gandalf and Dumbledore are both arguably the most powerful beings in their worlds, save Tom Bombadil. Of the three, his role is also the Official Use The Force Harry Gandalf Shirt. Which makes sense. I think Gandalf has the best luck in the Star Wars universe. A lot plays out mostly the same I think, though if it started earlier in the story and Dumbledore was his younger self he might take the ring for his own.
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The Potter world is the toughest because Dumbledore plays a more active role in that story, I think, and there are more variables. I give the edge to Gandalf though because he’s going to be more powerful relative to the average wizard, if I understand the premise you set up. I disagree about Yoda though as a mentor/teacher I’d argue he’s the best of the 3, all 3 of their Official Use The Force Harry Gandalf Shirt. To main characters, & in those aspects, I think he’d do better at. But in the parts of respective stories where they have to be doing things I still think Yoda would be able to, just not as efficiently as the other two.
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I don’t know, Gandalf’s mentorship and moral guiding is crucial to the story, and pretty good on its own. Just off the top of my head, he tells Frodo that “many that live deserve death. Others that die deserve life. Can you give Official Use The Force Harry Gandalf Shirt to them?”. Which is what keeps Frodo from killing Gollum, their guide, in the Two Towers and the Return of the King. He also says something like “all we can do is make the best of the time we are given”. Which is excellent advice? He also tells Eomer that “to a crooked mind, truth wears a wry face”. His ability to inspire the common man is also important against Sauron.
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